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伊斯兰教指南 2024

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第 28 天 - 4 月 6 日

Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan and the largest city in Central Asia, is the main economic and cultural center of the region. It is a city of 2.6 million people that mixes modern and Soviet era architecture.

After falling to Arabs in the eighth century, Uzbekistan was seized by the Mongols in the Middle Ages and finally gained its independence after the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Since then, Uzbekistan has dramatically improved in most aspects of life, even being awarded the world’s most improved economy in 2019.

Despite such progress, the church has been largely oppressed in the nation. They are forced to register with the government, which can restrict and control the activities and expression of the worshiping community. The government punishes anyone who tries to reach Uzbeks or other Muslim people for Jesus.



  • 为乌兹别克北部、乌兹别克南部和土库曼 UUPGS 高举基督、倍增家庭教会的倍增祷告。
  • Pray for a mighty movement of Spirit-empowered, scripture-fed, anointed prayer to come forth from every believer.
  • Pray for workers to come from the harvest, for families to be reached, and for communities to be impacted by the gospel.
  • Pray for the Kingdom of God to advance through dreams and visions and for Jesus to be exalted in the hearts and minds of believers.
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