110 Cities
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Prayer Guide – 24 Hours of Prayer for the Buddhist World 2024

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We are praying for Gospel movements in these Buddhist Cities and Regions including China. God releases his power in response to the prayers of his people! Buddhism is about enlightenment. On this Global Day of Prayer, let’s ask the Lord to remove the veil of blindness that is over the eyes of unbelievers trapped in Buddhism that they might see the light of the gospel in the face of Jesus

2 Corinthians 4:4, 6, “In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God… 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

You can find specific prayer points for each city at 110Cities and also watch a short prayer video for each city you are praying for. We encourage you to do research on these cities and pray for ‘Breakthrough’ as the Lord leads you! Here are the cities and regions below with some prayer points!

ప్రార్థన ఉద్ఘాటన

Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted in this city. Pray for his name be revealed, received, and revered amongst every people, tribe and tongue in this city. Psalm 110, Hab 2:14

Pray for God’s Kingdom to come and his will to be done in this city! Matt. 6:9-10

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom with demonstrations of power and love! Pray for a Christ-exalting house church to be planted for every 1000 people in this city! Luke 10:2, Matthew 16:18, Acts 4:29-31

Pray for the Bible to be translated into the heart language of every people group in this city. 2 Thess 3:1

Nyaw - Thailand
North Korea Sign Language, Laopang - Laos
Miyakubo Sign Language - Japan

Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh in this city! Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict of sin and show them their need of a Savior, found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for God the Father to draw all men to Christ through the power of the cross. Pray for God’s kindness to lead all to repentance. Act 2:17, John 16

Pray for God to bind and restrain the powers of darkness over this city and loose the power, truth and love of the Holy Spirit upon the peoples of this city! 2 Cor. 4:4-6, Mathew 18:18-19

We would invite you to focus with us especially as we pray for Kingdom breakthrough in Pyongyang North Korea this year.

ప్రార్థన నగరాలు

బ్యాంకాక్, థాయిలాండ్
బీజింగ్, చైనా
చెంగ్డు, చైనా
చాంగ్కింగ్, చైనా
గ్వాంగ్‌జౌ, చైనా
హాంగ్జౌ, చైనా
హనోయి, వియత్నాం

హో చి మిన్, వియత్నాం
హోహోట్, చైనా
కున్మింగ్, చైనా
నానింగ్, చైనా
Phnom Pehn, Cambodia
P’yong yang, North Korea
షాంఘై, చైనా
షెన్యాంగ్, చైనా

తైయువాన్, చైనా
టోక్యో, జపాన్
ఉలాన్‌బాతర్, మంగోలియా
వియంటైన్, లావోస్
వుహాన్, చైనా
జియాన్, చైనా
జినింగ్, చైనా
యాంగోన్, మయన్మార్

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