Mogadishu, the capital city and the major port, is the largest metropolitan area in Somalia, located just north of the Equator on the Indian Ocean. It is a city of 2.6 million people.
Forty years of civil war and clan skirmishes have wreaked havoc on the nation and further weakened tribal relationships, keeping the people of Somalia divided. For decades, Mogadishu has been a refuge for Islamic militants who target Jesus followers in Somalia and surrounding nations.
Some modest level of stability may be finally at hand. There is now a Parliament, and the Al-Shabab terrorist group has left the city. However, they still hold influence in the rural areas, and true stability is still a way away.
Somalia is overwhelmingly Muslim, 99.7% of the population. There is a negative prejudice against Christianity that is a serious roadblock to growing a Jesusfollowing presence.
“And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.”
Mark 16:20 (NLT)
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