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Ghidul Islamului 2024

ZIUA 13 - 22 martie
Khartoum, Sudan

Focalizarea grupurilor de oameni

Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan, is a large communications hub in Northeast Africa. It is a city of 6.3 million people located at the confluence of the Blue Nile and White Nile Rivers.

Prior to the secession of the south in 2011, Sudan was the largest country in Africa. After decades of civil war, the country signed an agreement to separate the predominantly Christian south from the Muslim north, which had been seeking to become an Islamic state since the 1960s.

After years of war, the economy and infrastructure of the country and capital city are in disarray. With less than 2.5% evangelical Christians in the country, persecution is constant.


Accentul rugăciunii

  • Pray for a breakthrough in vision and leadership that will result in thousands of Christ-exalting multiplying house churches in the 34 languages of this city, especially among the UUPGs listed above.
  • Rugați-vă pentru stabilirea rugăciunii 24/7 și pentru ca inimile să fie deschise pentru ca urmașii lui Isus să le audă din ceruri.
  • Pray for leadership schools to be developed and for church planters to be sent out into every sector of society.
  • Rugați-vă pentru Împărăția lui Dumnezeu să vină în semne, minuni și putere.
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