Join millions of Christians around the world in prayer for 1) revival in our lives, 2) revival across 10 unreached Middle Eastern cities and 3) revival in Jerusalem! Each day we have provided simple, Bible based prayer points focused on those three directions. We will culminate our 10 days of prayer on Pentecost Sunday together with millions of believers around the world crying out for the salvation of Israel!
Jerusalem is obviously a very strategic city in the Jewish world. Check out this page to learn more about how you can be praying for the city itself.
Join millions of Christians around the world in Worship and 24-hours of Prayers for the Peace of Jerusalem, the Jewish people and the Gospel to reach the ends of the earth! At Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit - igniting and empowering the Church! We invite you to be praying for revival across Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jewish world, that the same Spirit will bring revival, bridge divides, and fulfill God's promises to His chosen people.
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