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Guia do Islã 2024

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DIA 30 - 8 de abril
Tripoli, Líbia

Pessoas Grupos Foco

Tripoli, Libya’s capital city, is a large metropolitan area on the Mediterranean Sea. It is situated just south of Sicily and north of the Sahara. It is home to 1.2 million people.

Prior to its independence in 1951, the country was under foreign rule intermittently for over two thousand years. Due to their arid climate, Libya was almost completely dependent on foreign aid and imports for the stability of their economy until petroleum was discovered in the late 1950s.

After the rise and fall of the socialist state under Muammar Gaddafi’s leadership, the nation has been struggling to end the residual conflict and build state institutions. Libya’s people suffered greatly during this time, with many thousands of casualties and 60% of the population malnourished.

Large numbers of migrants come into Tripoli, hoping to make the dangerous passage to Italy. The current chaos in Libya gives freedom for traffickers to exploit these vulnerable people.

Christians are about 2.5% of the population. Only a fifth of these are evangelical. Many Jesus followers remain in hiding in fear of severe persecution or death.


Ênfase de Oração

  • Ore por milhares de igrejas domésticas que exaltam a Cristo e se multiplicam nas 27 línguas faladas nesta cidade.
  • Ore por um poderoso movimento de oração para varrer as igrejas domésticas.
  • Ore para que Trípoli seja um local de envio, impactando toda a nação e a região com o poder libertador de Jesus.
  • Ore para que o Reino de Deus destrua as obras do diabo.
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