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Dia 03
29 de março de 2024
Orando por Damasco, Síria

Como é lá

Damascus, one of the oldest cities, is like stepping into a fairy tale with old markets, cool crafts, and delicious sweets.

O que as crianças gostam de fazer

Lina and Omar love wandering through the ancient streets of Damascus, visiting historical landmarks, and tasting Syrian sweets.

Tema de hoje:

Os pensamentos de Justin

Even in the storms of life, peace is like a gentle whisper reminding us that we are not alone. It's the quiet assurance that, amidst chaos, there is a hope that anchors our souls, steady and unshaken.

Nossas orações por Damasco, Síria

  • Ask for peace and for many churches to grow in Damascus and Homs.
  • Hope for the teams sharing Jesus to be smart, brave, and safe.
  • Pray for God's power to show in leaders of army, business, and government.
  • Reze conosco pelo Alawite people living in Damascus, Syria to hear about Jesus!

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10 dias de oração para crianças
para o mundo muçulmano

Versículo de hoje...

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
(John 14:27)

Vamos fazê-lo

Help bring some friends back together at school to foster understanding and harmony.
Ore por Zero:
Pray for safety and strength for people who are working on Bibles in tough conditions, in Syria.
Ore por 5:

Ore por um amigo quem não conhece Jesus

Declarando o presente de Jesus

Hoje quero compartilhar o que o dom especial do sangue de Jesus significa para mim.
Because of Jesus' special gift, it's like I've never done anything wrong.

Pergunte a Deus por quem ou pelo que Ele quer que você ore hoje e ore conforme Ele o guiar!

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