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dia 08
28 de janeiro de 2024
Orando por

Hanói, Vietnã

Como é lá...

Hanoi is full of history and stories. It's busy with motorbikes and markets. People love their traditional noodle soup called "pho."

O que as crianças gostam de fazer...

Minh and Anh explore ancient temples and enjoy street pho.

Tema de hoje: Grateful

Os pensamentos de Justin
GRATEFULNESS turns what we have into enough and more. In a world always reaching for the next big thing, remember the greatest joy often lies in simply being grateful for what it is.

Nossas orações por

Hanói, Vietnã

  • Pray for church leaders in Hanoi to share God's love with their neighbors.
  • Ask God to help Vietnamese Christians abroad bring their faith back to Hanoi.
  • Pray for churches in Hanoi to grow strong and share hope with others.
Ore pelos 10 grupos de pessoas que não conhecem Jesus
Pergunte a Deus por quem ou pelo que Ele quer que você ore hoje e ore conforme Ele o guiar!

Versículo de hoje...

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you."
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Vamos fazê-lo!...

Write down three things you're thankful for today.
Obrigado por orar conosco -

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