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ورځ 06
26 جنوري 2024
لپاره دعا کول

چونګ چینګ، چین

هلته څه حال دی...

Chongqing is like a city built on a mountain. It's very big and always buzzing with energy. People love hotpot, a spicy soup.

هغه څه چې ماشومان یې خوښوي ...

Bo and Huan like exploring Chongqing's historic streets and alleys.

د نن ورځی موضوع: Generous

د جسټین فکرونه
In sharing GENEROUSLY, we open our hands and hearts, mirroring the generosity of God himself. Each act of kindness, no matter how small, is a ripple of his endless love in our world.

لپاره زموږ دعاګانې

چونګ چینګ، چین

  • Pray for fair and honest government work in Chongqing to help many people.
  • Ask God to provide good leaders for growing churches in Chongqing.
  • Pray for safety and strength for secret church leaders facing tough times.
Pray for the 3 groups of people who don't know Jesus
د خدای څخه پوښتنه وکړئ چې څوک یا هغه څه غواړي چې تاسو د نن لپاره دعا وکړئ او دعا وکړئ لکه څنګه چې هغه تاسو ته لارښوونه کوي!

د نن ورځې آیت...

"God loves a cheerful giver."
- 2 Corinthians 9:7

راځئ چې دا وکړو! ...

Share something you treasure with someone else today.
له موږ سره د دعا کولو لپاره مننه -

سبا به سره ګورو!

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