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DAG 12 - 9 NOV. 2023

Nederigheid delen: anderen dienen zoals Jezus

Praying for the City of Ujjain - especially the Rajput People

Hoe is het daar...

Ujjain is a spiritual city on the banks of the Shipra River, known for the Kumbh Mela and ancient temples.

Wat kinderen graag doen...

Harsh enjoys participating in local fairs and festivals, and Rani loves dressing up in traditional Rajput attire.

Our Prayers for Ujjain

Hemelse Vader...

We pray for the prayer walks happening in Ujjain and three other cities today. May the Jesus-followers there sense God's presence and power, as bad spirits are driven out.

Heer Jezus...

May the people of this city Ujjain become aware of their need for You. You are the way, the truth and the life. May many come to know You today!

Heilige Geest...

Transform the city of Ujjain, bringing hope and good things to the people that live there.

A Special Prayer for the Rajput People

We pray for many Christians to get the chance to share the good news about new life in Jesus with Rajput people in Ujjain.

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