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04 April 2024
Berdoa untuk Tehran, Iran

Macam mana kat sana

Tehran is a city of mountains and parks, where you can ski, explore royal palaces, and try out amazing ice creams.

Apa yang kanak-kanak suka lakukan

Zahra and Reza love skiing in the nearby Alborz Mountains, visiting Golestan Palace, and trying Tehran's street food.

Tema hari ini:

Fikiran Justin

Self-control is like a quiet anchor in life's stormy seas, holding us steady with God's strength. When we choose patience over haste, we embrace a peace that only He can give.

Doa Kami untuk Tehran, Iran

  • Ask for courage to start great churches in Gilaki, Mazanderani, and Persian groups.
  • Hope Christians in jobs like government and teaching can spread God's word well.
  • Wish for God's power and miracles to help spread His word across Iran's 31 provinces.
  • Doakan bersama kami untuk Persian people living in Tehran, Iran to hear about Jesus!

Watch and Pray with this Video

Mari beribadah bersama-sama!

Doa 10 Hari Kanak-kanak
untuk Dunia Islam

Ayat hari ini...

A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.
(Proverbs 25:28)

Mari lakukannya

Avoid responding in anger; take deep breaths and count to ten first.
Berdoa untuk Zero:
Pray that people will continue to find new and clever ways to make the Bible available to people who could get into trouble for having one.
Berdoa untuk 5:

Pray for a friend who doesnt know Jesus

Mengisytiharkan Hadiah Yesus

Hari ini saya ingin berkongsi apa erti pemberian istimewa darah Yesus bagi saya.
Today, Jesus' special gift is like a voice in heaven telling God to be kind to me. So, nothing bad can stay in me, have power over me, or claim I owe anything.

Tanya Tuhan siapa atau apa yang Dia mahu anda doakan hari ini dan berdoalah semasa Dia memimpin anda!

Terima kasih kerana berdoa bersama kami -

Jumpa kamu esok!

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