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Giorno 05
31 marzo 2024
Pregare per Khartoum, Sudan

Com'è lì

In Khartoum, where the Blue and White Nile rivers meet, you'll find bustling markets, cool camel rides, and tasty treats!

Cosa piace fare ai bambini

In Khartoum, Fatima and Yousif find joy in boat rides on the Nile, exploring museums, and playing football.

Tema di oggi:

I pensieri di Justin

Through kindness we become artists of the soul, painting our world with strokes of empathy and understanding, turning every shared smile into a masterpiece of human connection.

Le nostre preghiere per Khartoum, Sudan

  • Ask for great things to happen and leaders to start many churches in 34 languages.
  • Hope for non-stop prayer and open hearts to hear God's messages.
  • Wish for God's kingdom to show through amazing things and strong power.
  • Pregate con noi per il Beja people living in Khartoum, Sudan to hear about Jesus!

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I 10 giorni di preghiera dei bambini
per il mondo musulmano

Il verso di oggi...

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
(Ephesians 4:32)


Volunteer for chores at home or help a classmate with their work.
Pregate per Zero:
Pray for the teams who are bravely working to make the bible available to every language spoken in Sudan.
Pregate per 5:

Pregate per a amico chi non conosce Gesù

Dichiarare il dono di Gesù

Oggi voglio condividere cosa significa per me il dono speciale del sangue di Gesù.
Because of Jesus' special gift, I am free from any unfair punishments for not following the rules.

Chiedi a Dio per chi o cosa vuole che tu preghi oggi e prega mentre ti guida!

Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

Ci vediamo domani!

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