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Giorno 13
2 febbraio 2024
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Phnom Penh, Cambogia

Com'è lì...

This city is calm and has a rich history. People are kind and enjoy dancing and a rice dish called "bai sach chrouk."

Cosa piace fare ai bambini...

Samnang and Srey explore ancient ruins and enjoy Khmer dances.

Tema di oggi: Praise

I pensieri di Justin
Let PRAISE be the song that overflows from your heart, like a melody that never fades. In every moment big or small, let your soul sing with gratitude for each breath is a gift wrapped in his love.

Le nostre preghiere per

Phnom Penh, Cambogia

  • Pray for people in Phnom Penh to find happiness beyond money and idols.
  • Ask God to help heal hearts still hurting from past loss.
  • Pray for more helpers to come and share about Jesus in Phnom Penh.
Pray for the 11 groups of people who don't know Jesus
Chiedi a Dio per chi o cosa vuole che tu preghi oggi e prega mentre ti guida!

Il verso di oggi...

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." - Psalm 150:6


Tell someone why you praise God today.
Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

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