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Giorno 12
1 febbraio 2024
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Com'è lì...

Japan is a mix of the future and the past. There are robots and ancient temples. People are polite and enjoy sushi and anime.

Cosa piace fare ai bambini...

Hiro and Yumi have fun watching anime and drawing manga.

Tema di oggi: Worship

I pensieri di Justin
WORSHIP is the worshipper of the soul, a quiet conversation where words are few but feelings are deep. In these moments of worship, we touch the infinite, realizing our small part in God's grand design.

Le nostre preghiere per


  • Pray for more helpers and special homes for older people in Japan.
  • Ask God to guide people away from believing in scary magic.
  • Pray for new, brave Christian leaders to grow in Japan.
Pregate per i tanti gruppi di persone che non conoscono Gesù
Chiedi a Dio per chi o cosa vuole che tu preghi oggi e prega mentre ti guida!

Il verso di oggi...

"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord." - Psalm 95:6


Sing your favorite worship song to God today.
Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

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