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Giorno 07
27 gennaio 2024
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Hangzhou, Cina

Com'è lì...

Hangzhou is known for its beautiful lake and green tea. It's like a peaceful painting come to life.

Cosa piace fare ai bambini...

Shen and Li relax by boating on Hangzhou's West Lake.

Tema di oggi: Endurance

I pensieri di Justin
ENDURANCE is the small voice that whispers 'keep going' when everything else says 'give up'. It's the gentle, unyielding power that turns obstacles into stepping stones, leading us closer to grace.

Le nostre preghiere per

Hangzhou, Cina

  • Pray for the freedom to worship together in Hangzhou to continue.
  • Ask God to help young workers in Hangzhou learn about Jesus and share it back home.
  • Pray for doctors and teachers in Hangzhou to wisely share about Jesus.
Prega per i 5 gruppi di persone che non conoscono Gesù
Chiedi a Dio per chi o cosa vuole che tu preghi oggi e prega mentre ti guida!

Il verso di oggi...

Hebrews 12:1 - "Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."


Try something challenging and don’t give up easily.
Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

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