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Guida sull'Islam 2024

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GIORNO 7 - 16 marzo
Damasco, Siria

Damascus, the capital of Syria, is one of the most populous cities in the country, along with Homs, a main center of the Syrian uprising and catalyst for the civil war that began in 2011. Damascus is considered by many to be the oldest capital city in the world and has been called the “Pearl of the East.”

Both cities have suffered much loss and deterioration since the war started. Under Bashar al-Assad’s oppressive control, the conflict has diminished. Travel to Damascus and Aleppo has resumed and is relatively safe.

For generations a large Christian community existed in Damascus, but the genocide in the mid-19th century caused many to leave the country. A comprehensive religious census has not been undertaken in Syria since the 1960s, but it is estimated that just 6% of the population is Christian. Most of these believers are part of one of the Orthodox communities.


Enfasi di preghiera

  • Pray for the end of violence and for Christ-exalting, multiplying house churches in the 31 languages of Damascus and Homs, especially in the people groups listed above.
  • Pray for wisdom, courage, and supernatural protection for the Gospel SURGE teams working in the country to bring Jesus to the people.
  • Prega per i rifugiati, i poveri e gli afflitti affinché trovino speranza e guarigione nel nome di Gesù.
  • Prega affinché il Regno di Dio avanzi attraverso segni, prodigi e potere nei leader militari, commerciali e governativi.
Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

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