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Giorno 09
29 gennaio 2024
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Città di Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Com'è lì...

This city is like a beehive, always busy and full of life. People enjoy iced coffee and bustling markets.

Cosa piace fare ai bambini...

Phuc and Linh love cycling around Ho Chi Minh's busy streets.

Tema di oggi: Wisdom

I pensieri di Justin
WISDOM guides us to listen, embrace humility and see God in all aspects of life, reminding us to be grateful in both joy and challenges.

Le nostre preghiere per

Città di Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

  • Thank God for many people learning about Jesus at a big event.
  • Pray for church leaders in the city to help new believers grow.
  • Ask God for more churches in the city and for leaders to know Jesus.
Pray for the 12 groups of people who don't know Jesus
Chiedi a Dio per chi o cosa vuole che tu preghi oggi e prega mentre ti guida!

Il verso di oggi...

"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." - Proverbs 2:6


Ask God for wisdom in a decision you're facing.
Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

Ci vediamo domani!

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