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इस्लाम गाइड 2024

वापस जाओ
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दिन 12 - 21 मार्च
कराची, पाकिस्तान

लोग समूह फोकस

The 12th largest city in the world with over 20 million citizens, Karachi is the former capital of Pakistan. It is located along the southern tip of the country, along the Arabian Sea coast. While it is no longer the capital city, Karachi remains the commercial and transport hub for the country and operates the largest port.

In the 2022 Global Livability Index, the city ranked 168th out of the 172 cities, due to the high crime rate, poor air quality, and lack of infrastructure. 96% of the residents of Karachi identify as Muslim. Two-thirds of these are Sunnis, with the remaining Shi’ites, and the Christian population is just 2.5%. Religious minorities including Christians, Hindus, and minority Muslim groups face persecution. The “blasphemy laws” make insulting Mohammad punishable by death and damaging a Quran punishable by life in prison. Extremists use these laws to falsely accuse innocent people.


प्रार्थना जोर

  • The Church continues to grow slowly in Karachi, but poverty and the lack of strong biblical teaching dilute spiritual standards. Pray for humble, committed spiritual leaders to disciple the new believers.
  • Pray for strength to withstand persecution.
  • The political turmoil within the country impacts everyone. Pray for stability in the government and wisdom for the leadership.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the love of Jesus to thousands of residents of Karachi during Ramadan.
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