The 110 most unreached cities in the world are still waiting to hear the Good News of the Gospel. Your prayers could ignite movements of thousands of Christ-exalting churches to be planted in each city!
These 110 cities were strategically chosen by the 24:14 coalition of 2000+ Church Planting Movements.
24:14 movements include over 100 million disciples from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Animist, and Atheist backgrounds.
The 110 cities collectively have representatives from 90% of the world's Unreached People Groups.
These cities are key to unlocking entire regions and nations that have been cut off from the Gospel.
The 24:14 family of movements is working on the ground with movements in many of the cities - their prayer and on-site efforts are the backbone of seeing Acts 19 type movements happen in those cities and regions. Acts 19:10 tells us that "in two years and every Jew and Greek in the province of Asia heard the world of the Lord." During the time of Acts, the Roman province of Asia was in the region of modern day Turkey and included 2.5 million people.
"જે ઘેટાંની હત્યા કરવામાં આવી હતી તે તેના દુઃખ માટે યોગ્ય ઇનામ મેળવે"
"જે લેમ્બને મારી નાખવામાં આવ્યો હતો તે શક્તિ અને સંપત્તિ અને શાણપણ અને શક્તિ અને સન્માન અને મહિમા અને આશીર્વાદ મેળવવા માટે લાયક છે!"