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Jour 05
25 janvier 2024
Prié pour

Chengdu, Chine

Comment c'est là-bas...

Chengdu is famous for adorable pandas and spicy food. People here are relaxed and love to enjoy tea and nature.

Ce que les enfants aiment faire...

Wei and Mei enjoy watching giant pandas at Chengdu reserves.

Thème du jour : Responsible

Les pensées de Justin
Every RESPONSIBLE step we take is a statement to our faith. In the quiet commitment to our duties, we echo the steadfast love of the Lord, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary testimonies of his faithfulness.

Nos prières pour

Chengdu, Chine

  • Ask God for 50 new churches for each group of people in Chengdu.
  • Pray for the Bible to be written in Mawo and Mianchi Qiang.
  • Pray for Western businesspeople to share about Jesus with their Chengdu friends.
Pray for the 19 groups of people who don't know Jesus
Demandez à Dieu pour qui ou pour quoi Il veut que vous priiez aujourd’hui et priez pendant qu’Il vous conduit !

Le verset d'aujourd'hui...

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much." - Luke 16:10


Complete a household chore without being asked.
Merci d'avoir prié avec nous –

À demain!

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