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روز 21
10 فوریه 2024
دعا کردن برای

یانگون، میانمار

اونجا چه حالیه...

Yangon has golden temples and busy streets. People there are kind and enjoy tea leaf salads and walking by the big lakes.

کاری که بچه ها دوست دارند انجام دهند...

Ko and Aye visit golden pagodas and play traditional games.

موضوع امروز: Give Thanks

افکار جاستین
As we walk through the bustling streets of life, let's pause to GIVE THANKS. In every smile, every kind deed, we see the hand of God, gently guiding us towards love and unity.

دعاهای ما برای

یانگون، میانمار

  • Pray for smart and kind leaders in Myanmar's capital, Nay Pyi Taw.
  • Ask God to help people who left their homes because of fighting.
  • Pray for food, water, and medicine for people in need after disasters.
Pray for the 17 groups of people who don't know Jesus
از خدا بپرس که امروز برای چه کسی یا چه چیزی می خواهد و دعا کن که او تو را رهبری می کند!

آیه امروز...

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." - Psalm 107:1

بیا انجامش بدیم!...

Create a 'thank you' card for someone special.
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