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DAY 10
19 May 2024
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“Serve the Lord with gladness, come before His presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2 NKJV

Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem, a holy site of pilgrimage for the three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is a hotbed for religious and ethnic conflict, as well as geopolitical positioning. Jews are seen pressing up against the Wailing Wall in anticipation of the coming Messiah who will rebuild the Temple.

Meanwhile, Muslims visit the site where they believe Muhammad ascended to heaven and was given requirements for prayer and pilgrimage.

Simultaneously, Christians are found touring the sites of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.

There is much that attracts in Jerusalem, and despite an average of over 3 million tourists visiting the city each year, the region has struggled to attain peace due to deep cultural and political rifts that have divided Israel from their neighboring countries.

Add into the mix a rich diversity and 39 languages and the stage is officially set for a movement of God that will not only heal and transform the city but turn the region on its head.

Ways To Pray:

  • Pray for unbelieving Jews to be provoked to jealousy. Pray for the veil of blindness to be removed through the blood of the Lamb, where thousands call on the name of Jesus for salvation.
  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Psalm 122
  • Pray for a mighty movement of prayer until Jerusalem becomes a praise on the earth, Isaiah 62
  • Pray for the Lord to break the religious stronghold among all ethnic groups in Jerusalem
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