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Algeria is the largest country in Africa. In spite of the Sahara desert constituting more than four-fifths of the country’s landmass, Algiers, the nation’s capital, is an oasis of culture and enterprise in the north.

Nicknamed “Algiers the White” for its beautiful whitewashed buildings lining the coast of the Mediterranean, this name has taken on a double meaning as great numbers of Algerians have been washed white as snow by the blood of Jesus over the past twenty years.

Even with significant advancement, there is much work to be done, with 99.9% of the country still unreached by the Good News. The population of Algiers is 2,854,000 and the largest religion is Islam, with 96.5%.

Prayer Emphasis

  • Pray for Spirit-led wisdom over the underground house churches as they send out teams, especially to the Algerian Arab people group.
  • Pray for the New Testament translation in the Chenua language.
  • Pray for the exaltation of Jesus and the healing of the minds and hearts of new Jesus followers.
  • Pray for leadership schools to be established that enable new believers to grow in their faith and boldness.
  • Pray for the Kingdom of God to come through dreams and visions, freeing those trapped in darkness to see the Light of the World.

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