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Mecca, the birthplace of Islam, and the religious center to which hundreds of millions of Muslims turn towards daily in prayer, is the holiest city in Islam.

Islam originated approximately 1,400 years ago in the nation of Saudi Arabia when the founder, Muhammad, declared that no other religion should exist on the Arabian Peninsula. Each year around 2 million Muslims pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, though more and more Saudis are growing disillusioned with Islam and coming to Jesus through digital media, traveling abroad, and faithful witness within the nation.

With the Crown Prince’s push for a modernized Saudi Arabia, an opportunity presents itself for the Saudi church to stand in opposition to Muhammad’s declaration 1400 years ago, and to capitalize on the greater freedom within their borders by claiming their country for the King of Kings.

Prayer Emphasis

Pray for Jesus to be glorified, and for Spirit-led, Christ-exalting, multiplying house churches to be born in the 24 languages of this city, especially among the Najdi Saudi Arabs, the Hijazi Saudi Arabs, and the Omani Arabs.
Pray for the gospel SURGE teams for wisdom, courage, and supernatural protection as they risk it all for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus.
Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to rise up from the nations of the earth for this great city.
Pray for an outbreak of revelation and angelic visitation.
Pray for the Kingdom of God to advance through Saudi prayer warriors standing in the gap for their government officials.

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