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Islam Guide 2024

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DAY 20 - March 29
N’Djaména, Chad

People Groups Focus

N’Djamena is the capital and largest city of Chad. It is located in the southwest part of the country on the border with Cameroon and has a population of 1.6 million.

Chad is a landlocked nation and is considered one of the poorest countries in the world. While it is the fifth largest country in Africa in terms of area, much of the northern part lies in the Sahara Desert and is sparsely populated. Most of the people live through farming cotton or cattle. A nascent oil producing industry is in the process of being developed.

Rebels and bandits plague the nation from inside but also from neighboring Darfur, Cameroon, and Nigeria. This hinders economic growth, human development, and Christian ministry.

Islam is the largest religious group in Chad, accounting for 55% of the people. Catholic Christians are 23% and Protestant Christians are 18% of the population. There is strife between the northern part of the country where the Muslims live and the Christian majority in the south, including in N’Djamena.


Prayer Emphasis

  • Pray that the team at Chadian Arabic Christian Radio will continue to have an impact reaching Muslims throughout the region.
  • Pray for the new government, established in 2022 after 30 years of dictatorship. Pray for wisdom for these leaders and that it will be a government of reconciliation.
  • Pray for the translation teams working on scriptures for several of the minority people groups in N’Djamena.
  • Pray Psalm 67 for the people of N’Djamena and all of Chad.
Thanks for praying with us –

See you tomorrow!

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