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Parents reached whose boy was healed through prayer!

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“One of our leaders is a young girl working for a wealthy man who owns much property.

She shared these stories of the Lord’s work: ‘My top boss’s son was very sick and had not eaten for quite a while. So his parents took him to the doctor. While they were there, I happened to meet them, and I  offered to pray for the son. After I prayed, he was immediately healed and  began to eat and drink, which made an impression on the parents.”

‘Within a couple of days, the boss called me and said, “My wife wants to spend some time with you because when she talked with you, she felt peace. So we’re sending a car to pick you up and bring you to my house.” So I went because I wanted to make disciples, and the wife wanted to know:  “What exactly is this all about?” This gave me an opportunity to share the good news."

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