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Sharing God's love with India's Railway Children...

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“We visited a project helping railway children, which the movement has started in many Indian cities. Tens of thousands of abandoned children live at railway stations across the country. They usually sleep only 2-3 hours a day due to fear of robbery, rape, and beatings.”

“The Bhojpuri movement has started homes for these children. When they first arrive, most children are so exhausted that they spend the first week doing nothing except eating and sleeping. Rescue workers help the children learn to trust and recover from trauma - and reunite them with their families. They also help their families get healthy enough to care for the children, or they find them foster homes with families they know.”

“There is a constant stream of children coming through this service. In two children’s homes, we listened with lumps in our throats as the children sang about God’s love in local languages.”

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