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Childrens 10 Days of Prayer

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Pentecost Sunday

19 May 2024
Praying for Israel
May the heavens open and the Holy Spirit be poured out on Israel and Jerusalem once again as prophesied by Prophet Joel:

“ I will pour out my Holy Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will be prophets.

Your old men will dream and your young men will see pictures in their minds.

I will pour out my Spirit on all my servants, on men and on women in those days.

Everyone who asks the Lord for help will be safe.
They will be safe if they believe in his name.

The Lord will save the people on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem. He has promised this……..

Joel 2:28‭-‬29‭, ‬32

Pray for the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem to CRY OUT

Because I love Zion, I will not be quiet. I cannot stay quiet, because Jerusalem is in trouble. I will continue to speak until she is safe again...
Isaiah 62:1

Pray for the Highway from Egypt, Assyria and Israel.

People from Assyria will travel to Egypt and Egyptians will travel to Assyria. Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. At that time, Israel will join Egypt and Assyria as a third important nation.

They will bring blessing to the whole world.
Isaiah 19:23‭-‬24

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

Pray that people who love Jerusalem will be safe. Yes, I pray that there will be peace inside the city's walls. I pray people will be safe in their strong houses.
Psalms 122:6‭-‬7

Praying for All Israel to be saved

Brothers, I want God to save Israel’s people. I want that very much. I pray to God that he will save them. Romans 10:1

May the churches unite to pray in the name of Jesus to break bad habits, keep families safe and protect and guide us in school.

The one who rescues will come from Zion. He will turn Jacob’s people away from their sins. Romans 11:25-26

Pray for a Youth awakening.

I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and I will bless them. They will grow up like fresh grass in a field. They will grow like willow trees beside a river.

Someone will say, “I belong to the Lord.” Another person will call himself by the name “Jacob”. Someone else will write on his hand, “I am the Lord's”, and he will call himself “Israel”.’
Isaiah 44:3‭-‬5

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