110 Cities
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4 Days of Prayer

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During 2024, millions of believers around the world will be committing to ‘Pray Together’ for gospel movements in the Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu nations.

We are committing to pray on 4 Global Days of Prayer

  • Chinese New Year Feb 10th 1am (Beijing) – Praying Together for the Buddhist world and China.
  • Night of Power - April 5th 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) – Praying Together for the Muslim World.
  • Pentecost Sunday May 19th 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) – Praying Together for the Salvation of Jewish unbelievers around the world, the Outpouring of the Spirit, and the Return of Christ.
  • Diwali Festival Oct 31st– 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) - Praying Together for the Hindu world.

We will focus our prayers on strategic unreached cities in each of these nations. 90 percent of the remaining unreached peoples of the world live in or near 110 strategic mega cities in these Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu nations.  

Each of these 4 days are important times when the unreached peoples of these cities are often more open and receptive to the Gospel.  Many are reaching out to families and neighbors with the good news of Jesus during these special days!

We want to invite you to join us during these 4 Global Days of Prayer in 2024. You can pray with your family, from your home, at work, in your house church, local church, house of prayer, prayer tower, etc.

Commit to pray on each of these four days as the Lord leads you!

We will provide you with profiles, maps and prayer points to help guide your prayers. You can also join us online if you would like to pray with gifted men and women of prayer from around the world at the Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room!

Little Keys open Big Doors – Let’s take this little key called prayer, put it in God’s hands and see him open up a big door called Revival and Awakening!

Your prayer matters – God releases his power in response to the prayers of his people!

Let’s join our voices before the throne with millions of believers in Christ-exalting, Bible-based, Worship-Fed, Spirit led prayer and believe God to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or even imagine, all for His Glory, for our Joy and for the salvation of multitudes of people amongst the Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu worlds!

View 110 Cities 2024 Calendar

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect

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