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TAG 07
16. Mai 2024
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“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:13 (NKJV)

Damaskus, Syrien

Damascus, the capital of Syria, was long renowned for its beauty and has been called the “Pearl of the East” and the “City of Jasmine.” It is still a major cultural center of the Levant and the Arab world.

Sadly, today large portions of the eastern and southern portions of the city have been destroyed by the civil war. Refugees from other parts of the country have come to Damascus, putting extreme strain on housing and other resources. With the disruption of many businesses and industries, unemployment and widespread poverty are high.

Bashar al-Assad is still in power, and the only true hope for the healing and transformation of Syria is the good news of Jesus. Thankfully, many Syrians report that the Messiah revealed Himself to them in dreams and visions while fleeing the country.

As conflict has diminished and stabilization has increased in the country under Assad’s oppressive control, Jesus-following Syrians have the opportunity to return to their homes and share with their people an unfading, imperishable pearl of great price.

Möglichkeiten zu beten:

  • Pray for the end of violence and for Christ-exalting, multiplying house churches in the 31 languages of Damascus.
  • Beten Sie um Weisheit, Mut und übernatürlichen Schutz für die Gospel SURGE-Teams, die im Land arbeiten, um Jesus zu den Menschen zu bringen.
  • Beten Sie für die Flüchtlinge, die Armen und die Zerbrochenen, damit sie in Jesu Namen Hoffnung und Heilung finden.
  • Beten Sie, dass das Reich Gottes durch Zeichen, Wunder und Macht in Militär, Wirtschaft und Regierungsführung voranschreitet.
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