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TAG 17. – 14. NOV 2023

Gemeinsames Gebet: Mit Jesus, unserem Freund, sprechen

Praying for the City of Srinagar - especially the Kashmiri People

Wie ist es dort so...

Srinagar is a magical place with beautiful houseboats on Dal Lake, and you can ride shikaras and see pretty gardens.

Was Kinder gerne machen...

Aariz enjoys playing cricket in the beautiful valleys, and Zara loves making intricate Kashmiri handicrafts.

Unsere Gebete für Srinagar

Himmlischer Vater...

We pray for the beautiful city of Srinagar, the summer capital of northern India’s Jammu and Kashmir Union territory. Help the people know about Your love and follow You. Let them hear You speak through dreams and visions.

Herr Jesus...

Let the people in Srinagar living on houseboats or following the Muslim traditions, know they are special in Your sight. May their hearts be open to learn about You and choose to follow You.

Heiliger Geist...

May the people in this city who don't get on, be anointed to treat each other with kindness and respect, showing Your love to one another. Bless the children and families in Srinagar with Your love and guidance. Empower them to grow up happy and healthy, to know Your love in their lives. Guide them to follow You and find peace in You.

A Special Prayer for the Kashmiri People

We pray for believers among the Kashmiri people to be bold to share the love of Jesus in spite of being treated badly for being Christians.

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