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Marakesh, the first of Morcco’s four imperial cities, lies in the center of the fertile Haouz Plain.

Although the city is quickly modernizing and is experiencing a rising standard of living, Morocco is known for difficult living conditions, grinding poverty, child labor, and religious persecution.

In spite of these challenges, many Moroccans are coming to faith in Jesus today through radio programs and praise music in the Berber language, and assembling to form training centers to reach their nation.

Prayer Emphasis

Pray for this North African crossroads to birth thousands of Christ-exalting, multiplying house churches in the 12 languages spoken in this city, especially among the people groups listed above.
Pray for supernatural wisdom, courage, and protection for the Gospel SURGE teams.
Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to sweep over the house churches.
Pray for a missionary sending base to be established and strengthened to send forth thousands of workers in the nation.
Pray for the Kingdom of God to bring peace and kindness over the poor.

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