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Old meets new in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan, the nation’s capital.

From the cobblestone streets of Old City the Flame Towers, a trio of dazzling skyscrapers constructed to appear like a flame in the sky, soar above the weathered storefronts.

As governmental persecution has sought to extinguish the fire of the underground church in the capital, may the “pillars of fire” symbolize the burning hearts for Jesus that will rise up and be the defining characteristic of Baku and the people of Azerbaijan.

Prayer Emphasis

Pray for Scripture-based revelation over the underground house churches as they send teams in the 22 languages in Baku, especially the Azerbaijani, Tatar, and Southern Uzbek people groups.
Pray for the gospel SURGE teams as they plant churches; they need courage, wisdom, and protection.
Pray for the glory of God's presence and the power of the Spirit to equip new Jesus followers.
Pray for the regional house church training center to be protected by God's warring angels, and to be resourced with tools and training.
Pray for the Kingdom of God to destroy the evil destructive work of the devil, and for the exaltation of the Prince of Peace.

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