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Day 01
27 March 2024
Praying for Ankara, Turkey

What it's like there

Ankara, the heart of Turkey, is like a giant museum with amazing parks, cool animals at Atatürk Forest Farm, and yummy food!

What kids like doing

Elif and Emir enjoy exploring Ankara's historic sites and parks, playing soccer, and sampling delicious Turkish ice cream.

Today's Theme:

Justin’s thoughts

Love is like God's smile, bright and warm. It's in every good thing we do, big or small. When we help others, share or speak kindly, we're spreading His love. It's simple but powerful, turning ordinary moments into blessings.

Our Prayers for Ankara, Turkey

  • Ask God to help His followers in Ankara understand Muslims well.
  • Pray for Ankara's Christians to know when others are ready to listen.
  • Ask for strength for Christians in Ankara facing tough times and trouble.
  • Pray with us for the Abkhaz people living in Ankara, Turkey to hear about Jesus!

Watch and Pray with this Video

Let’s worship together!

Childrens 10 Days of Prayer
for the Muslim World

Today's Verse...

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
(1 Corinthians 13:4-5)

Lets do it

Make a greeting card for someone to express love and appreciation.
Pray for Zero:
Pray that the Bible will soon be available in all of the 30 languages spoken in Ankara.
Pray for 5:

Pray for a friend who doesnt know Jesus

Declaring Jesus’ Gift

Today I want to share what the special gift of Jesus' blood means for me.
Because of Jesus' special gift, I am freed from trouble with bad things.

Ask God who or what He wants you to pray for today and pray as He leads you!

Thanks for praying with us –

See you tomorrow!

en_USEnglish (United States)
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