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Day 01
21 Jan 2024
Praying for

Bangkok, Thailand

What it's like there...

Bangkok is like a huge, busy, colorful playground. People there are friendly, and they love spicy food and beautiful temples.

What Kids like doing...

Arun and Mali love exploring Bangkok's bustling street markets.

Today's Theme: Hope

Justin’s thoughts
In life, HOPE is like a thread that joins our days linking times of uncertainty to moments of kindness. It's a soft voice in our hearts that says, "with God, all things are possible"

Our Prayers for

Bangkok, Thailand

  • Thank God for Thailand's leaders wanting to share God's love in every village.
  • Pray for their plans to pray together and train local leaders.
  • Ask God to help churches grow and keep Thailand's religious freedom.
Pray for the 21 groups of people who don't know Jesus
Ask God who or what He wants you to pray for today and pray as He leads you!

Today's Verse...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy." - Romans 15:13

Let's do it!...

Write down your hopes and pray for them daily.
Thanks for praying with us –

See you tomorrow!

en_USEnglish (United States)
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