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اليوم 20
9 فبراير 2024
الصلاة من أجل

شيان، الصين

ما هو الحال هناك ...

Xian is famous for its ancient army of clay statues. It has old walls and people enjoy flatbread and mutton soup.

ما يحب الاطفال فعله...

Feng and Qiao explore ancient sites and savor Xian's street food.

موضوع اليوم: Salvation

أفكار جاستن
SALVATION is a gift, freely given, not earned. It's like a warm, comforting embrace on a cold day, reminding us we are never alone.

صلواتنا من أجل

شيان، الصين

  • Pray for schools in Xi'an and all the students there.
  • Ask God to help families in China stay together and happy.
  • Pray for new believers in Xi'an to share Jesus with their families.
Pray for the 15 groups of people who don't know Jesus
اسأل الله لمن أو ماذا يريد أن تصلي من أجله اليوم، وصلي كما يقودك!

آية اليوم...

"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." - Acts 16:31

دعنا نقوم به!...

Share the story of Jesus with a friend or sibling.
شكرا لصلواتكم معنا –

أراك غدا!

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