110 Cities
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Join Millions in Prayer!

Your prayers are needed to help ignite movements of God among the 110 most unreached cities in the world who are still waiting to hear the Good News of the Gospel.

Upcoming Season of Focused Prayer!

Praying for the Muslim World

ليلة معجزة

24 Hours of Prayer
Thursday, March 27th 2025

الدكتور جيسون هوبارد
مدير الصلاة الدولية يقدم 110 مدينة
Pray for Cities

Pray each day for a different 110 city

Get daily emails with prayer fuel rotating through these strategic cities. 

Choose a 110 city to pray for regularly

Look through the map or the full list of cities and see how God leads you!

Pray through this calendar with a group

Check out the focus cities for each month and set reminders for the 4 global days.

Why 110 Cities?

تم اختيار هذه المدن الـ 110 بشكل استراتيجي من قبل 24:14 تحالف يضم أكثر من 2000 حركة لزراعة الكنائس. 24:14 movements include over 100 million disciples from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Animist, and Atheist backgrounds. The 24:14 family of movements is working on the ground with movements in many of the cities. Your prayer and their on-site efforts are the backbone of seeing Acts 19 type movements happen in those cities and regions. Acts 19:10 tells us that "in two years and every Jew and Greek in the province of Asia heard the world of the Lord." During the time of Acts, the Roman province of Asia was in the region of modern day Turkey and included 2.5 million people.

Huge % of the global unreached lives in these 110 cities

Sparks from the 2000+ church planting movements in the world are primed to spread

Cities are key to unlocking entire regions previously hostile to the Gospel

prayer is always the main catalyst for sweeping transformation

"عسى أن ينال الخروف المذبوح أجر معاناته"

"مستحق للحمل المذبوح أن ينال القوة والثروة والحكمة والقوة والشرف والمجد والبركة!"
رؤيا 5:12 ESV 

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