110 Cities
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We are looking for people who share the 110 Cities Vision and are prepared to get involved practically as well as prayfully!

If you think this might be you, please read on… and get in touch to find out more.

A 110 City Prayer Champion has a passion for a specific city highlighted on our 110 CITIES list - where 90%+ of Frontier People Groups (FPGs) are located.

In each of the 110 cities we would like to form 2 teams:

a) The Church Planting Movement teams with their overall leader and coach who provide a secure bridge person to communicate with.

b) CITY PRAYER TEAM - made up on citywide prayer networks, church networks, prayer walking teams, Houses of Prayer, Children and Youth prayer teams, with a coordinator for the prayer team in the city and a champion for prayer for the online prayer fuel posts which will communicate and mobilise prayer to a global audience the needs and celebrations in each city.

A Champion:

  • Has a genuine burden and call from God to this specific city
  • Is a recognized and respected voice for the city, known by others involved with this city (or has good connections through a team)
  • Preferably has worked or lives in that city or has been studying and praying for that city for years
  • Is a person with knowledge about the city’s needs, language, culture, beliefs, worldview
  • Is committed to intercession and mobilizing others to pray
  • Has a history of involvement and networking
  • Believes that focusing on these 110 cities is an effective strategy; “owns” the vision
  • Is committed to long-term prayer implementation toward church planting movements.

A Champion will:

  • Sign up for a 15 minute prayer slot using the website.
  • Communicate weekly with on the ground city champion and prayer walking team or CPM connection. We would like to have prayer news from those in the city who are praying so that this can be added to the prayer fuel on the website.
  • Post prayer fuel at least once a week. If you are able to post in a local language of the city and in English this would be very helpful. Be as creative as possible with videos, photos, graphics etc. and bible based prayers.
  • Send out messages on social media and/or to connections and networks every six-weeks with an invitation to sign up and pray for the city.

A Champion will receive:

  • Training on how to post prayer fuel on the website and be invited to the internal communications channel on Slack to receive any admin help from the team.
  • Access to a library of prayers which could be used (cut and paste) in your prayer fuel to help you with content.
  • An invitation to be a part of the city wide team and hopefully would be involved in growing the city prayer team which is linked to support the church planting teams.

Please do contact us to find out more!

en_USEnglish (United States)
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