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Senegal is a country in western Africa. Located at the westernmost point of the continent and served by multiple travel routes, Senegal is the "Gateway to Africa." Almost two-fifths of Senegal's people are Wolof, members of a highly stratified society whose traditional structure includes a hereditary nobility and a class of musicians and storytellers called griots.

The most important city in Senegal is its capital, Dakar. This lively and attractive metropolis is a popular tourist destination on the Cape Verde Peninsula along the Atlantic shore. In addition, Dakar is one of Africa's most important harbors and an economic and cultural center for West Africa.

With a majority Muslim population and many unreached tribes represented in the metropolis, there is an excellent opportunity for Dakar to become a harbor city for the gospel and a gateway for all of West Africa.

Prayer Emphasis

Pray for the spread of the Gospel and for multiplying house churches among the Wolof, Fulakunda, and Southern Maninka people.
Pray for the gospel SURGE teams for wisdom, protection, and courage as they plant churches.
Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the 8 languages of this city.
Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to be birthed in Dakar that multiplies throughout the country.
Pray for a resurrection of God's divine purpose for this city.

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